
Russian Knight

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Chapter 1- Russian Knight

The vast frozen city state of Muscovy was once more on the brink of another harsh and bitter winter, the open mountainous landscape already white with a fresh falling of thick snow. The biting cold and frost covered roads however proved little hindrance to the local inhabitants who persevered regardless, the paths remaining lively with carts moving to and from the city.

One such piece of traffic was an unassuming carriage carrying three figures dressed in rough black cloaks with a fourth, a hired local, serving as the driver.

"I still don't know why we're here" the figure sitting furthest forward finally spoke over the looming whistle of the wind.

"Be quiet!" the second person snapped sharply, clutching the thick cloak tighter to them self in an effort to hold back the cold.

"I mean why send three apprentices to perform the task of a single novice" the first retorted.

"It is because that is what the Master ordered of us" the figure sitting at the rear of the cart spoke to silence their two companions. "It is not our place to question his will, merely carry out his orders"

The cart finally crested the top of the hill, finally coming within sight of the city itself, its grand wall a bulwark against any who would dare to claim her. The proud Russian capital was one of the strongest cities in the known world. It would be difficult to claim her, impossible to hold her for long, such was the city of Moscow. It appeared they had arrived.

"The city of Moscow, she shall serve as a fine stage for our performance" the third figure spoke. "Let us hope that our co-stars dare emerge to play their roles"

"And that we prove the better actors" another spoke, a foreboding truth in their words for the task which lay before them could have far deeper reaching consequences than just their lives.

The cart rumbled onwards in silence, slowly approaching the main city gate where a bottle neck had emerged in the road, a squad of city guards standing watch over the entrance questioning travellers and searching their carts and property as need be. Slowly the cart trundled forward in the line towards what would be the first real test of their skill.


"Halt!" the guard ordered, bringing the horse drawn carriage to a stop short of breaching the perimeter guard station. The guard, dressed in thick winter fur coat, stepped forward to stand beside the front of the cart. "Get down" the guard barked at the driver, forcing him to step down from his perch and be ushered away out of earshot of his passengers, likely to be endlessly questioned regarding his cart and his travel plans. The other guards quickly set about checking the cart itself. Although with no cargo to paw through and no valuables left carelessly vulnerable the guard busied himself with questioning the passengers. "Where are you coming from?" the guard asked none of them in particular.

"Toulouse" the passenger closest replied bluntly in a low, hushed tone.

The guard, clearly unsatisfied by the vagueness of the answer, swiftly asked another. "What business do you have in the city?"

"Work" another vague answer that gave him little to understand their intentions.

"What trade?" the guard asked.

"Whatever work is available" the passenger turned away, as though they did not wish the guard to see the untruth in their words. "Just trying to make an honest living"

"Pull down your hood" the guard ordered sharply.

"Excuse me?" the passenger asked

"I said remove your hood" the guard repeated, the anger clearly seeping into his voice.

"Surely you have better things to look upon than the frostbitten features of a weary traveller?"

"I will not repeat myself again" the guard reached for the longsword at his belt, clasping the handle in anticipation of battle as well as a clear warning.

The passenger silently stepped down from the cart to stand before the Russian soldier, piercing blue eyes staring at him from beneath the hood. Unnerved by his passenger's boldness he prepared to unsheathe his sword in anticipation of an attack. Instead the figure simply reached up to hold the rim of their hood in their hands, without hesitation they threw the light material back over their head to reveal snow white skin topped with a cascade of chocolate brown hair flowing down the back of their neck to pool in the cup of their hood. "You seem surprised?" the passenger replied.

"No, it's just..." the guard fumbled his words past his shivering lips. "We do not see many women travelling alone in the wasteland"

The woman capitalized upon his mental vulnerability as she would a sword fighter who had sacrificed his footing for a killing blow. She knew that there were only two things a male of the species was willing to believe about a female, either that she is helpless or that she finds him attractive. The reality was that at any moment she could have drawn any number of a varied arsenal of weapons concealed about her person and cut his neck, or another part of his vital anatomy, in the time it took him to draw a breath. "I assure you that I am not alone in the wasteland" she glanced at her accomplices. "And I guarantee that we are far from helpless"

"Yuri!" the booming voice of the guard captain swiftly drew the soldier's attention from his rebellious passenger. "Are you sleeping on job again?"

"Guard captain" the Russian soldier turned to be greeted by the guard captain swiftly approaching, the soldier quickly snapped his superior a crisp salute.

"What is taking you so long?" the guard captain demanded.

The soldier was quick to offer a response. "Sir, I was just checking the passengers and-"

"That's enough soldier" the guard captain turned to face the hooded woman. "You have been cleared to enter the city. Now hurry it up, I've got another dozen of you to get through"

The woman gave a respectful bow to the guard leader. "Thank you Captain"

"Just don't cause any crap in my city" the captain placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Or you shall meet me again and I promise I shall not be as accommodating"

The woman loaded silently into the back of the cart alongside her companions, the driver emerging from amongst the collection of guards appearing completely unscathed although likely a few gold pieces lighter, a donation to the 'City Guard Retirement Fund'.

The cart resumed its slow advance, passing through the heavily guarded cordon towards the vast city wall which separated the city from the rest of the world. There was now nothing standing between them and the city at large, now they could begin.

"Remember" the group leader sitting at the rear of the carriage leant forward to whisper to her accomplices. "No Italian"
Assassins Creed Brotherhood: While open conflict rages across Roma the war secretly spreads across continental Europe. Now the taint of conflict has touched the Russian capital city of Moscow and even those may have never known this war existed may be about to be consumed in its flames.
© 2012 - 2024 alimination602
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